17 Therapist-Approved Tips for Dealing With Seasonal Depression

Seasonal change is a contributing factor to seasonal affective disorder (SAD). It may be a suffocating, upsetting kind of depression. Most people don't know how to deal with seasonal sadness when they first experience it. In the fall, they start to feel depleted of vitality and enthusiasm, and as winter wears on, things only become worse. Typically, throughout the spring, depression symptoms go away on their own, and they are only mildly present throughout the summer. It's crucial to keep in mind that SAD in its milder version, winter depression or the winter blues, exists.

Researchers are not yet sure what exactly causes seasonal affective disorder, but some of its prevalent markers include:

  • Daily depression that occurs in a seasonal pattern

  • Lack of interest in previously enjoyed activities

  • Weight gain & changes in appetite

  • Lacking energy & feeling constantly tired

  • Excessive sleeping

Seasonal affective disorder symptoms that are not addressed might result in long-term mental health issues. Fortunately, there are some coping mechanisms for treatment resistant depression that have been validated by therapists. The following advice will teach you how to identify, avoid, and treat SAD symptoms.

1. Talking with a Therapist

Working with an online therapist can be quite beneficial if you have the seasonal affective disorder. You may learn how to combat seasonal depression before, during, and after its occurrence from a qualified therapist. Both talk therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) are highly successful in treating SAD. Healing is always possible.

2. Stay hydrated.

Every cell in the human body depends on water, therefore getting enough to drink is crucial. All year round, it's important to be hydrated since it may support your overall health, especially in the months when you're feeling under the weather.

3. Ensure You Get Enough Sunshine Each Day

Knowing the power of natural sunshine is essential to overcoming seasonal sadness. Visit the outdoors frequently. Keep the window coverings open inside to allow the sun in. Try to locate a space where natural light enters if you operate inside.

4. Consume the Correct Vitamins

Depression and vitamin D insufficiency are related. Getting enough vitamin D can be difficult for many individuals, especially during the winter. While sunlight is the finest source of vitamin D, you may want to consider taking an organic, plant-based vitamin D supplement if you don't get enough natural bright light during the long, gloomy winter months. Although some studies suggest that vitamin D2 can function just as well, the optimal form of vitamin D is termed vitamin D3, or cholecalciferol.

According to studies, those who took vitamin D supplements reported less symptoms of depression. Before attempting a new supplement, check with your doctor if you're thinking about taking vitamin D.

5. Use phototherapy

Bright light treatment may be helpful when those gloomy, dark days prevent you from obtaining the necessary amount of natural sunshine. Light therapy boxes, often known as "Light in a Boxes," create extremely strong artificial light that resembles natural sunlight. They can align your circadian clock and alter your brain's chemical composition, improving your mood all around. SAD symptoms can be lessened by spending around 30 minutes a day in front of a lightbox.

6. Get Ready Before the Seasons Change.

It's wise to mentally be yourself for the forthcoming seasonal shift if you are aware that you suffer from SAD. As the season of fall approaches, think about include mood-boosting activities like enjoyable hobbies, volunteer work, outings with friends, walks in the fresh air, or exercise in a public park in your routine.

7. Simulators for Dawn

Alarm clocks with dawn simulators are particularly made devices that awaken you gradually, much like the sun. You may start the day in serenity rather than agitation since they make soothing noises instead of harsh ones. Some SAD sufferers have seen relief from these cost-effective gadgets.

8. Keeping in touch with friends

Depression and loneliness are inextricably linked. To counteract the symptoms of SAD, it is therefore a good idea to meet together with close friends. So, even if it's simply an online video chat, think of inventive methods to get together with your buddies, especially during the chilly fall and winter months.

9. Aromatherapy

Burning fragrant candles or misting the air with the vapour of essential oils are both used in aromatherapy. According to research, lavender, ginger, and bergamot are particularly good for easing the symptoms of anxiety and sadness as well as certain sleep issues.

10. Plan Your Activities and Time

Many SAD sufferers have trouble falling asleep at night, getting out of bed in the morning, or both. Maintaining a regular sleep and exercise regimen may significantly improve your mood.

11. Take a hot bath with Epsom salts.

Magnesium sulphate is in epsom salt (MgSO4). One technique to enhance the amount of magnesium your body is consuming is by taking a warm bath with Epsom salt added. According to studies, persons with mild-to-moderate depression can benefit from magnesium treatment.

12. Regular exercise

There is overwhelming evidence that regular exercise may successfully reduce the symptoms of depression. Working exercise throughout the gloomy, chilly months of the year might be helpful in reducing SAD, in addition to the many other health advantages it provides.

Exercise that is just moderately difficult yet causes you to sweat produces endorphins, boosts immunity, improves digestion, and causes a number of other physiological reactions that assist to both prevent and treat depression.

13. Journaling

Many SAD sufferers attest to the effectiveness of journaling. They've discovered that writing down their ideas, emotions, and objectives might help them overcome seasonal depression. Your thoughts may be given life and made real through journaling.

You may use a notebook to set priorities, voice concerns, come up with solutions, let go of grudges, or just to keep in touch with your inner sentiments. Keeping a journal to record your feelings might help you spot patterns that could be beneficial in the future.

14. Make a meal plan

Winter seasonal affective disorder can cause some sufferers to feel worn out, sleep too much, alter their appetites, and overeat (especially high-carb foods). Spend some time planning and preparing wholesome meals at home. Talk to your therapist about what's happening if you have any worries about your changes in appetite so that you can address this.

15. Go on Holiday

If the winter months make you more susceptible to depression, think about taking a trip. Get to a sunny location if you can. The winter blues may be easily banished and your vitality can be restored by bright surroundings, plenty of natural sunshine, and a change of location.

16. Refuse alcohol

Alcohol is a depressive, despite the claims of many that it helps them overcome depression. Although alcohol could initially make you feel happy and upbeat, excessive intake might exacerbate emotions like sadness, rage, or hopelessness. If you must drink, do so cautiously.

17. Consider Medication  

Depression, namely SAD, is a mental health issue. This implies that a qualified mental health practitioner must make the diagnosis, and you may wish to think about using medication to aid in your recovery. Consult your primary care physician about getting tested for SAD. They can provide you a diagnosis or a recommendation for an online psychiatrist.

Antidepressant drugs may be effective in treating SAD. However, before taking any prescription drug, many patients choose to exhaust all other potential treatments. Many illnesses can benefit from prescription medication, therefore they shouldn't always be instantly discounted. However, some people start with specific therapy techniques and other therapeutic choices. If you're unsure about whether a medicine is right for you, talk to your doctor about spravato treatment

If you struggle with seasonal affective disorder, you don't have to go through life in silence. Seasonal depression is something that you can learn to manage. There are several practical, practical, and simple strategies you may employ to discover how to reduce any wintertime feelings of loneliness and despair you may be experiencing.


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