How to Have a Happy Holiday Even if You're Depressed

I cherished the holiday season as a child and eagerly anticipated it. However, nothing interests me while I'm having a depressing episode. Because I was aware of how much joy they had previously provided me, the holidays began to feel depressing to me. Around the holidays, I feel like my depression has a bigger hole in my chest.


Be thankful for the holidays for what they are.

Due to the fact that it's a social season, the holidays might be difficult. You could have more social commitments than usual. Multiple party attendance might be draining, especially if you're depressed. Relax and attend as much as you can. An unfavourable day of depression cannot be predicted. So treatment resistant depression can help a lot. It occasionally occurs on a holiday. If this is the case, simply celebrate and do your best. Additionally, it's acceptable to observe holidays on days other than the ones they fall on. If a holiday falls on a bad day for your mental health, you can still enjoy it a few days or weeks later.

Don’t put unrealistic expectations for the holiday season. 

Contrary to what you might have seen in the movies, one Christmas won't make everything better. It doesn't put pressure on the season if you think of these next few months as typical months with a few extra things to do. Disappointedness might seem like a big burden when you're sad. I've discovered that if I have high expectations for Christmas Day and it doesn't live up to them, it may be frustrating and worsen my mood. I've started lowering my expectations on special days to help with this. I just accepted the day for what it was: a day. Even if the day is uneventful, I won't be disappointed. If the day goes well, it makes me feel better.

Do something to make you motivated to get up and go to social gatherings. 

Bring your favourite special dish if you have one. Get a book or some fresh music if you're travelling. When it comes to the holidays, pay attention to the good.

Make sure you get enough sleep.

Because we have more activities over the holidays, it is simple to put less importance on getting enough sleep. Your mental health and emotions will both benefit from getting adequate sleep.

Know that there will come a holiday season when you won’t feel like this.

During the holidays while I was in high school, I was really melancholy. I can recall hating family gatherings because I would have to put on a brave face and pretend that getting out of bed that morning wasn't nearly as difficult. I can now look forward to the holidays and seeing my loved ones once more. Enjoy your time off; when you go back, your bed will still be there. You can consult a doctor for treatment during the holidays, some suggest spravato treatment.


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